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4 Tips on how to boost your social media strategy process

Redefining your social media + content strategy is more important than ever! I am looking forward to sharing my best tips, tools, and strategy with you!

When I started my business in 2010, I had no experience running a business and certainly had no experience strategizing for growth.

What I did have was life experience as a busy mom to four kids, four dogs, and running a household like clockwork.

I planned carpools around soccer practices, trips to Costco around eye dr appointments, volunteering for the PTA around trips to the dentist. Little did I know that keeping all of these 'balls in the air' would prepare me for running my business years later.

Each year in August right before school started I used to sit down with pen and paper and figure out how I was going to be in so many places at (seemingly) the same time. Four kids, three schools, many sports. School breaks, trips, and celebrations. Because I took the time to figure out my schedule, my life as a stay-at-home-mom was fulfilling and rewarding. I am happy to report I never did leave or lose a kid anywhere! 😅

Just like I used to do for my busy family schedule, I sit down each November and write down all I want to accomplish in the following year in my business. I do this by reflecting on what I've been doing, what's working and I look ahead and plan out ONE major accomplishment.

Strategy. Because without a plan, you will never accomplish a single goal.

Let's be honest, we are our own worst critics. That expression 'the cobbler's children have no shoes' holds true for quite a few social media professionals and their own social media!

No more. I'd like to share my 'secret sauce' for a strategy session, one you can do yourself: by yourself and for yourself.

1. Discover ... YOU!

Be honest with yourself. What do you want to accomplish in 2022, career-wise? Do you want to:

  • Go (back) to school and earn a (new) degree?

  • Write a book?

  • Start speaking on stages?

  • Create an online course?

  • Coach, train, teach other business owners?

  • Earn 6 figures? Earn 7 figures?

  • Start a LIVE show, a podcast, a blog?

  • Give back to the community you live and work in?

  • Start a new business?

  • Develop a new product or service?

  • Grow and scale and hire new team members?

The first thing you need to write down is your goals for the next year. Next, come up with a strategy on how to get there -> including who you need to connect with to accomplish these goals. (target audience)

2. Audit Your Business

Take an honest look at your social media. The goal is to set a baseline, a starting line if you will, so you can move forward and grow your audience and online presence, not to feel bad about lost opportunities!

In a spreadsheet or doc record

  • # of followers on each platform

  • frequency of posts

  • type of posts (video, story, image, link, reel)

  • timing of posts (day of the week and time of day)

  • overall feel and look (branding)

  • check links

  • read bios and descriptions, check for the presence of keywords

Ask yourself and answer honestly:

"Would I be attracted to this business?" "Is there enough information here to understand what this business does?" Would I want to contact this business to build a relationship?"

Remember this is the starting line, not the finish line!

(Keep scrolling for my Social Media Self Audit Template!)

3. Identify Opportunities

The best way to identify opportunities is to look at what your competition is - and isn't -doing!

Quick wins can be spotted by looking at at least three, preferably five competitors. These can be businesses that are

  • direct competitors

  • local to you and serve the same audience

  • industry leaders who you aspire to be like

Look for patterns and opportunities i.e. "Everyone is on Instagram, but only one is using Reels and killing it." and "Only one is posting consistently, and not one of these accounts has an active community. Everyone is talking at their audience, no one is having conversations."

Make a list of 'Quick Wins' - items to take action on immediately, actions that will make the biggest impact.

4. Implement. Get started. Take action.

You do not have to wait to take action. Get ahead of your competition and get started NOW.

In 2016 I set a goal to speak on twelve stages in 2017. I did, including one international stage and one keynote address. (Send me a message if you want to know how I did it!)

In 2017 I set a new goal to get paid for speaking. I did, and have continued to raise my speaking fees.

In 2018 I set a goal to write a book. That didn't happen as my family needed me. And that's ok, too!

Each year I've set a goal and created a strategy to attain that goal.

My goal for this year is BIG.

Do you want to get started today?

Grab a copy of this social media self-audit template, the same one I use each year to conduct an audit on my own business!

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