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The Best Tips for Getting Started with Video

best tips for getting started with video

Are You Creating Video Yet?

"Video is big" "Video is huge" "2017 is the year of the video" "You need to get going on video" "What? You aren't doing video yet?"

"Video is easy, just hit 'record', trust me"

If you've heard one, you've most likely heard them all!

It's not quite as simple as it sounds. People fear ...Failure People fear ...Expense

People fear ...Appearance

People fear ...Reputation

So what is a savvy business owner or entrepreneur to do?

Listen to the experts, of course. Listen to those who dare do video; those who got started and are on their marketing journey using video to get their message out.

Who Is Using Video for Marketing Purposes?

Many small business owners, entrepreneurs, corporations, brands and online social media marketers are already using video for marketing and networking purposes. However, many, many, many more people are not!

Jump in! Don't take my word for it; listen to what five social media experts had to say in my most recent No fear Video LIVE show.

⬇️ Watch the replay of the Facebook Live show ⬇️​

Meet Expert Social Media Marketers Who Love Video! I asked all of our guests the same question: "What is your #1 tip for getting started with video?"


Sherron Washington, M.A. “The Marketing Whisperer” is a marketing and communication (marcomm) professional who has imparted her wisdom and expertise for nearly 20 years.

Here is Sherron's #1 tip on how to get started with video.

"Keep It Simple!"

Create 3 points you want to cover in your video. Here is why!

1. This will keep you on schedule, will keep you on track and on topic.

2. It will help you maintain you audience's attention and will keep your audience focused!

3. This will ease anxiety! That way you aren't nervous about what you have to talk about. Talk about your expertise!


Sean Smith is a Social Media Educator based in Canada, teaching Social Media to Parents, Teachers and Teens.

Here is Sean's #1 tip on how to get started with video.

"Find your Passion!"

Speak about something you are passionate about!

Connect with people online who are as passionate as you are about this topic.

This will make you more comfortable while you are on video and will help you connect to the right audience!


Heather Myklegard is the owner of Social Moxie. Social Moxie is a social media company that helps businesses cut through the noise of online chatter and directs them on where best to put their time and resources when it comes to social media.

Here is Heather's #1 tip on how to get started with video.

"Say Yes!"

Say yes to people who invite you on their show.

Practice being on camera with them, which will help with your confidence once you want to do your own video!.

Break through the fear factor you might have by finding a partner to practice with! Practice in a small group with people you trust, maybe in a private Facebook group.


Brandy Sales is a four -time international award-winning video producer and video coach. He has taught video production to people between the ages of 6 and 92 years old. When it comes to video...Brandy's focused on your confidence and your community.

Here is Brandy's #1 tip on how to get started with video.

"Practice Like a Pro"

Take your idea from concept to reality!

Have a reason for your video.

Make a plan - use Y.E.S marketing

Y = YouTube (or any other platform)

E = Email marketing

S = Social (on and offline)


Who you want to be on camera!

Content - scripted or unscripted?


Mike Gingerich is President of Digital Hill, a web design and web software firm with offices in Indiana and Pennsylvania; a lover of online media and fitness mike hosts the Halftime Mike Podcast, co-hosts the Magnet Marketers Live Facebook Show, and participates in triathlons on the weekends!

Here is Mikes #1 tip on how to get started with video.

"Ask for a 'Show and Tell' from an Expert!"

If you don't know how to go LIVE or you are hesitant, ask for help from an expert; a colleague, an expert, a friend who is already doing Facebook LIVE. Ask them to show you step-by-step how it's done.

Additionally, use video to introduce your content. You can do a short video on Facebook or Instagram - a sneak peek - to drive traffic to your content. It's an easy way to get your feet wet - talking about something you are an expert on!


Here is My #1 Tip on How To Get Started with Video

"Practice in Private"

If you are hesitant to be in front of an audience, go LIVE on Facebook to an audience of 'only me'. It's an easy solution to figuring out how this whole Facebook LIVE thing works.

Need to know how to do that? Read this recent article I wrote which has a section on 'testing' with your guest. Instead of testing the Facebook LIVE with a guest, set your audience to 'only me' and NO ONE can see it! Make sure to delete the video once you are finished!

To practice recorded videos in private, lock yourself in a room and record ONE video 30 times. Record it once. Watch it. Delete it. Record it again. Watch it. Delete. etc. Do this until you hit the magic number 30.

By doing this, three things will happen

1. You are going to know how to work your Smartphone for video. 2. You are going to be 'over yourself' i.e. you'll be OK with watching yourself on video.

3. You will realize that getting a video done, is better than perfect!


Tune in Fridays at 10 AM (EST) on my Facebook Profile to watch the No Fear Video LIVE show ... LIVE! If you miss an episode, there will be a replay available, or come back to the blog for a recap round up, like this post. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, just send me a quick introductory email.

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