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How to become a great facebook group member

Facebook Groups! Are you a Facebook group member?

Love 'em or hate 'em.

If you are active on Facebook, you use Facebook groups, right?!

During the coronavirus pandemic, these online communities, these Facebook groups, are more important than ever! They are lifelines, social outlets, and the saving grace to those who are in solitary lockdown! Members post about their woes, victories, and personal life, as well as commiserate about the current situation.

Facebook groups enable complete strangers to connect and join forces for good, to share resources, and spread important information to local and global communities.

As a community manager, I have several Facebook group tips for you, the group member.

Believe me when I say that reading these tips and then implementing them will make EVERYONE's lives happier!

Isn't that what we are all after?

Happiness, world peace, and understanding?

While I can't give you all of these, understanding how Facebook groups work is my specialty and I can teach you some basic rules and etiquette right now!

Are you game?

Let's get on with it then; here is how you can become a Super Facebook Group Member!

Let's Talk Group Types First!

A Facebook group can be a public group, accessible and visible by all on Facebook. These groups are often hobby groups and unless they are well-led, could be a hotbed for spammers.

Another type of Facebook groups are closed groups. These groups are visible and searchable on Facebook, but in order to join this group and see the conversation, your request to join will need to be approved by group admins. Only current and approved members can see what is being posted in a closed group.

Last but not least Facebook offers the option to create a secret group. These types of groups are often used for masterminds, meeting groups, or family units.

No matter which reason you have to create a Facebook group, there is one that will serve your purpose!

Once you’ve created a Facebook group, you can connect it to your Facebook Page, which will allow you to invite those who’ve liked your page to join your group page as well.

All Facebook groups come with group insights; data to help you grow your group!

Super Facebook Group New Member

When you first join a group, I want you to pretend you are at your first college party. For some of you that might be a time you want to forget, or you simply don't remember, but try...! This is what it should look like.

Check out the cool kids. Partake in some of the offerings. Listen more than talk, and stand back and observe.

Here are the 10 best tips to be a Super New Facebook Group member!

1. When applying to join a group, answer all questions.

2. Read any group announcements pinned at the top!

3. New member? Find and read the group rules!

4. Look to see who the admins are! They will be a resource to you when you have questions.

5. Read posts, and comment on them first.

6. Have a question? Search the group for previous conversations that might answer your question! The search bar is available both on mobile and desktop!

7. Still have a question? Search the group files for resources.

8. If your question has not been asked and answered before? Ask, but be succinct!

9. Add value; don't self-promo, self-indulge, or rant.

10. Quoting a source? Mention and link to that source. Hearsay is... hearsay!

Super Facebook Group Active Member

Once you are an established and active member of a Facebook group, you become the life of the party!

You are not quite the host with responsibilities to make sure everyone is taken care of, but surely present enough with enough energy to entertain those around you.

Here is how it's done!

1. Be kind to new members.

2. Welcome new members.

3. Support the admins of the group by modeling the right behavior.

4. Offer guidance where needed.

5. Answer newbie questions with patience.

6. Have a question? Search the group for previous conversations that might answer your question! The search bar is available both on mobile and desktop!

7. Still have a question? Search the group files for resources.

8. If your question has not been asked and answered before? Ask, but be succinct!

9. Add value; don't self-promo, self-indulge, or rant.

10. Quoting a source? Mention and link to that source. Hearsay is... hearsay!

Additional Facebook Group Tips

There are many 'unspoken' rules to Facebook group membership and leadership.

Here are some things to remember.

If it's not your group, you are a guest. Being a guest in someone else's house means you follow their rules. Since you came in through a 'door', you should also be able to find your way out! If you don't like the party aka the group, if you don't feel welcome, feel attacked, singled out, or don't agree with the group rules, that's ok. Leave!

Go home and start your own party aka group; creating the group is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5.

  1. Pick your type of group.

  2. Write a description.

  3. Add members (at least one is needed to create a group!)

  4. Upload a cover photo.

  5. Post questions, welcome people, and schedule posts for when you won’t be present.

Facebook Group Etiquette! Be the Best Member You Can Be

Here are some Facebook group etiquette rules and tips to sink your teeth in…

By the way, these are great ‘rules’ to live by on all social media platforms!

1. You can turn post notifications on and off by hitting the three dots on the right side of the post!

2. Leaving a group is easy. Learn how and remove yourself if you are frustrated with a particular group! No need to say goodbye, just leave.

3. The more you interact in a group, the more posts from the group you will see in your newsfeed.

4. The opposite is true as well.

5. If you want to cull your groups and leave some old groups, go to your profile and find the groups tab; you might be surprised how many groups you are!

6. Searching for groups to join? Put a keyword (industry, topic, location) in the search bar and then select 'groups'.

7. Do not promote your own group in other people's groups, unless they specifically tell you it's ok. It's bad manners.

8. Don't attack anyone on Facebook - just report their post to the admins and let them take care of it.

9. Understand that moderating a group takes time! Many admins and moderators are volunteers who give their own time to keep your favorite group going!

10. If you start a group, do some research on how to do this properly! Do not invite all your Facebook friends and your family members to your new group!

11. Do not invite everyone to the groups you like. Instead, copy and paste the group URL (or name) in a private message and share why you love the group, and then ask if they'd like to join!

12. Know the difference between a profile and page, and between groups and events!

13. Don't take screenshots of private group conversations to share outside the group.

14. Don't slander a group.

15. Don't ask 'how can I share this post to my wall' in a private group.

16. Remember you agreed to adhere to Facebook's Terms of Services. Don't ask questions in groups about things that break those rules.

17. Don't ask questions about illegal activities.

18. Assume your posts are public. Don't divulge private information, even in closed groups.

19. Don't block admins. Most groups will boot you when you do! [We have ways of finding out and have ninja tricks to remove you anyway!]

20. Don't private message and solicit group members.

Now for the last bit.

Facebook Group Etiquette! Be the Best Member You Can Be!

Parties are more fun with more people! But make sure you are in the right company.

If you see something, say something! Feel free to SHARE this on your own timeline!

Please don't copy 'n paste 🤣

Also, feel free to share with your friends, you know the ones... 🥳


Community Manager



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